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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Best In Sight a proud provider of vision care products and services in Freeport.

Group Photo of doctors at Best In Sight

Dr. Lori Dewall

Lori DewallDr. DeWall was born and raised in Indiana and attended Indiana University for both her undergraduate studies and optometry school. She graduated with honors in 1992.

Soon after she moved to Freeport and began practicing at Best In Sight where she has spent her entire professional career of over 30 years.

Dr. DeWall met her husband soon after moving to Freeport. They have two daughters who are both married and live out of state. She enjoys spending time with her family and two dogs, reading, and traveling.

David Myles Bechtel O.D.  M.P.H.  M.B.A.

David BechtelDr. Bechtel was born and raised in rural Northwest Ohio. He received his bachelors and masters of business degrees from Bowling Green State University and his masters in public health degree from The University of Toledo. Dr. Bechtel graduated in 2015 from InterAmerican University for his Optometry Doctorate. Since graduation he has been licensed in Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia.

After working in rural Appalachia Dr. Bechtel was promoted to become a clinic supervisor for 19 stores located in Central Illinois and the entire state of Indiana for a large national retailer.

In 2022 Myles relocated to Stephenson County in order to spend more time with his wife (Freeport native) and their two boys. In Dr. Bechtel’s limited downtime he enjoys the outdoors, powersports, movies, and spending time with his family.

Stephanie Fisher O.D. FAAO

Stephanie FisherDr. Stephanie Fisher was born and raised in Freeport, Illinois. She received her bachelors in Psychology from St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa while simultaneously earning her Associates of Science from Highland Community College. She began her career in eye care working as an optician in Freeport. She then went on to graduate with honors from Inter American University, where she earned her Doctor of Optometry degree in 2014.

After gaining experience and working in clinical practice in rural Appalachia she returned to the Midwest to complete an ocular disease residency at Indiana University School of Optometry. After completing residency Dr. Fisher worked for the Department of Veteran Affairs in Decatur, Illinois providing the highest quality eye care to well-deserving veterans and a surgical center performing pre and post-op care for cataract and refractive surgeries in Indianapolis, Indiana. In 2019, Stephanie earned her Fellowship in the American Academy of Optometry.

Stephanie, her husband, Myles, and two children relocated to Stephenson County to be closer to family. She enjoys spending time with family and being outdoors.

Dr. Todd Bussian O.D.

Todd BussianDr. Todd Bussian is a Lena native and obtained his bachelor’s degree from the University of Dubuque. He graduated with honors from the Illinois College of Optometry in 1984.

Dr. Bussian has been active in the Illinois Optometric Association and served as the State President in 2001-2002. Dr. Bussian lives in Lena with his wife Sue.

Doctors and Staff